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Day 11 – Your favourite series 5 episode

Seems like I’ve been unable to pick lately so I guess it’s gotta be a tie between:

5×01 — FRANKIE

For the awesome out-of-the-box mindfuck thing that is Francesca Fitzgerald, bullets for bitches, and her fabulous gay dads.


5×07 — GRACE

Because I like Grace Violet as a character and because this episode has Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.

Frankie was Viola dressing as Sebastian, Liv as Olivia, and Matty as the Duke of Orsino. Frankie wants Matty who wants Frankie back but can’t yet act on it because he’s currently with Liv who wants him, too. Grrr this Series 5, too much triangle.


5×06 — ALO

Because of that one shot above.