Schrödinger’s cat, often called a paradox, is a thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger around 1935.

Anyway, it’s like this: a cat is placed in a sealed box with a sealed vial of poison that will break open at an uncertain time. Since no one knows when or if the poison is released, until the box is opened, the cat is thought of as both alive and dead. One can only pick a state — dead or alive — when the box is finally opened and the cat is seen.

It’s like … hmmm … maybe it’s like when you like someone and you are not sure if they like you back or not and you haven’t even opened the box — crossed a line, dropped hints, told them, asked them out, argh, whatever else analogy you can think of — what that something between you and that someone can be actually thought of as REAL and IMAGINARY, THERE and NOT-THERE, FACT and FANTASY blah-blah-blah-yakkity-blah. Not until you take that risk, tell them how you feel, and find out once and for all what the heck is going on around here, will you know IF THE CAT IS ALIVE OR NOT.



Blame The Big Bang Theory for this. It filled my morning and evening train rides with entertainment but rendered me unsociable since my friends couldn’t talk to me what with my ears covered with my gigantic headphones. I don’t care though if I looked like an idiot desperately trying to prevent myself from laughing. Ugh. Anyway, I already finished this season and will be waiting for the next so y’all can have my attention from here onwards — all the other TV shows have gone into hiatus anyway. Bummer.