Best. Weekend. Ever.
Hands. Down.
Thank you, Laizee, for the pedicure session and for arranging my reunion with JC. *wink*
Thank you, Ish-chan, for the Minami-Osawa shindig — so sorry for subjecting you to the irritable Tinats ah?
Thank you, Meemax, for being the mastermind behind the Welcome BirthdayS Party. So friggin’ awesome the party meeeehn.
Thank you, every-all!
Pictures galore:
Minna No Ilonggo – after our first Nihongo class, we trooped over to Coco’s Nagayama for lunch and had a blast over pseudo-Ilonggo sessions.
Minami-Osawa Shopping Galore – attacked La Fete Tama for the Spring Sale with Kayiii, Guia, their friend Eng, and our very own Tsikiting Pasyonista Ish-chan. Got myself several shirtS (yez, plural). Met Apols and Ed and Gabby and took pictures of a huge dog.
Welcome Birthdays — welcome party for Guia and party for the March babies [ Bjutus — 4, Arlan — 6, Meemax — 12, Tinats — 21 ].