From wikipedia:
Bokeh (from the Japanese boke ぼぁE “blur E is a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens. Different lens bokeh produces different aesthetic qualities in out-of-focus backgrounds, which are often used to reduce distractions and emphasize the primary subject. The effect itself is the circle of confusion, an image of the aperture convolved by the image itself.
So what now?
Well, I dunno. My head aches everytime I think of blurry and undefined parts in the daily grind — literally and figuratively. I struggle to give definition to everything. I want to categorize, define, and put everything into its own place. I want clarity. I can’t help it, it’s like my factory setting or whatever.
But sometimes I ask myself, why am I not interested in looking at the blurred parts? Why does it feel too mendoukusai for me to wade through the undefined things in life and just enjoy the whole process while it lasts? Why is it too taxing to take in a, let’s say, a metaphor and think about all its possible meanings? I know that most of the time things are not WYSIWYG and that most of the time the most interesting and important things happen in the blurred parts, in the hidden source code, in the background that no one seems to pay attention to. There are no edges, there is no clarity, and everything seems to just fade or merge into each other. There is a challenge in there somewhere, looking at a bokeh photo, I mean. You will find yourself asking questions like “what is this person trying to hide anyway?” and “omg, am I ever gonna recognize what those blurred little circles are?”
Anyway, yeah, so bokeh photos are fun and I used to be able to enjoy looking at the blurred parts. But lately, I can’t seem to push myself to make an effort in trying to imagine what those blurry shapes might be. I just can’t. I dunno, did I just suddenly lose my interest in it? Or did my attention span just finally reach its limit? Or did I just suddenly don’t care anymore? I dunno, but right now, I just can’t. No, not anymore.
Note: I’m still hankering to buy that 50mm f1.8 lens though. Sa literal na bokeh, masaya ako
Note 02: Walang sense ang entry na to. Bokeh rin siya.