“This platform is made of cement. I wonder how it would actually feel if you fell face-flat on it — from, say, about 100 meters above ground level.”
I can’t compute the Vf right now but if this stays in my mind, I might just solve it when I reach the office.
— o —-
“Here comes the 926. Is this car gonna be near the stairs at Shin-Yurigaoka? I should have known this a long time ago but I just really have no idea.”
— o —-
“Doors … closing doors … opening doors … knocking on doors … answering the knocks on doors …”
I’ve started reading “Neverwhere” by Neil Gaiman and I hope I’ll finish it so I’d have something more concrete to say about Doors. It’s a promising story though so I SHOULD really read it. Blah, I said that about The Hours and look at me now — not even halfway through the blasted thing.
“Events are cowards. They do not occur singly … instead they would run in packs and leap at you all at once.”
— o —-
(Standing down below on the sidewalk in front of the Hotel Monaco, GRISSOM looks up at the roof and speaks into the walkie-talkie. Behind him, a large crowd of spectators gather just beyond the crime scene tape.)
GIL GRISSOM: (to radio) All right, Nick, standing by for Operation Norman. Let him fly.
(The first crash dummy “body” flies off of the rooftop and crashes to the
sidewalk in front of GRISSOM with a thud.)
(The large crowd of spectators applaud. GRISSOM looks up and around at them, surprised by their reaction.)
(The second crash dummy flies off of the rooftop and onto the sidewalk below. The crowd cheers.)
(The third and final crash dummy flies off of the rooftop and lands with a thud. The crowd applauds.)
(GRISSOM raises his hand and acknowledges them as he walks toward the dummies.)
GIL GRISSOM: Yes, yes.
(GRISSOM raises his camera.)
GIL GRISSOM: Norman “pushed”.
(He takes pictures of the dummy. He turns to snap photos of the second dummy.)
GIL GRISSOM: Norman “jumped”.
(GRISSOM takes pictures of the third dummy.)
GIL GRISSOM: Norman “fell”.
SARA SIDLE: (o.s.) Wouldn’t you if you were married to Mrs. Roper?
(At the sound of her voice, GRISSOM puts the camera down. Behind him, SARA puts her bag down on the ground, a huge grin on her face.)
GIL GRISSOM: I don’t even have to turn around. Sara Sidle.
SARA SIDLE: That’s me. Still tossing simulation dummies? There are other ways to tell, you know?
GIL GRISSOM: How? Computer simulation? No thanks. I’m a scientist I like to see it. Newton dropped the apple, I drop dummies.
SARA SIDLE: You’re old school.
GIL GRISSOM: Exactly. And this guy was pushed.
— o —-
Season 1.
Episode 2.
“Cool Changes”.
It’s actually the first time Sara Sidle appears in CSI.
— o —-
Kaito Nakamura. Lying on the ground. Bloodied after a hooded someone ran at him and they fell off the rooftop ledge together.
Heroes. Season 2. Episode 1.
— o —-
“What are you doing?”
“Something unexpected.”
– Claude, Peter (Heroes Season 1, Episode 16, “Unexpected”)
— o —-
“When we embrace what lies within, our potential has no limit. The future is filled with promise; the present rife with expectation. When we deny our instinct, and struggle against our deepest urges, uncertainty begins. Where does this path lead? When will the changes end? Is this transformation a gift or a curse? For those who fear what lies ahead, the most important question of all: Can we ever really change what we are?”
– Heroes Season 1 Episode 13 “The Fix”
— o —-
“You threw me off of a thirty story building! If I didn’t regenerate, I’d be dead!”
“You could’ve flown! Listen, if you hadn’t worked this one out, you’d’ve been hopeless anyway. And I’d have defused the biggest bomb ever.”
– Peter, Claude
Season 1 Episode 14 “Distractions”
— o —-
Figurative toss coin.
Heads — I’ll continue reading Gaiman.
Tails — I’ll succumb to the call of Morpheus.
Oh well. I hope someone (Ish? Just?) wakes me up in Shin-Yokohama.
— o —-
“Shin-Yokohama desu … Shin-Yokohama desu …”
I wake.
Oh crap, is it Shin-Yoko already?
— o —-
Credits: Images and Quotes from Heroes Wiki. CSI belongs to whoever owns it.