5×06: Alo
09 Wednesday Mar 2011
09 Wednesday Mar 2011
04 Friday Mar 2011
Trainspotting + Typography
03 Thursday Mar 2011
Bullets for Bitches
The first episode of Series 5 and also Gen 3 of Skins is all about Frankie Fitzgerald. Apparently she’s that token Skins character that you can’t just put in a box (I know, I know, all Skins characters rock, even Freddy whom I don’t really like but eh whatever).
So Frankie’s like dressed in an unorthodox way, has two gay dads (who actually were shown — up yours, Glee, you never showed Rachel Berry’s dads), doesn’t wear makeup, and is just weird enough to make you invest in her character and not turn you off or whatever.
After months of grieving over the end (and the preposterousness) of Series 4 and the end of Gen 2 as well, I’m finally back to being giddy about the very pretty cinematography and shots and ooooh the colors that are so characteristic of every Skins episode! Frankie’s episode made me always go and
about every frakking shot that I almost could not choose which scene I’d post in this self-imposed meme. I finally narrowed it down to two sequential shots:
Love love love the slightly greenish/purplish overlay or exclusion layer or whatever that is that the Skins DOP did.
Plus, you know, the map? Yeah, it’s awesome. Not everyone has iPhones or has access to Google Maps, you know. And yeah, take note that if she intertwines her fingers, the letters on the tips will spell her name. You kill me with the details, Skins, really.
27 Sunday Feb 2011
Yeah, so I thought since the main reason I love Skins aside from the awesome writing is the way they color everything — so, so, so, pretty colors — I’d post one snapshot of my favorite scene in each episode. Right now I’m currently watching the Nick Levan episode of Series 5. So anyway, here’s the shot of the episode.
I’ll have to re-watch all the previous episodes (from Franky to Liv) to post. After I’m done with that, let’s see if I can still go on and do the same thing with Series 3 and Series 4. Haha, hope I get to finish this, unlike that other meme I seem to have abandoned.
Oh, lookie, it’s Alo’s episode next week and look what prettiness Skins dropped right at the end:
Can’t wait already.
26 Saturday Feb 2011
{ wear }
Deal With It.
20 Sunday Feb 2011
So I really liked Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, right? I even looped through its OST for about a month before I felt the urge to kick myself and change the effin’ playlist or whatever. I thought that was the end of it.
But no, I actually started reading the comic. Hahahaha. I’m back to the Pilgrim obsession. I even changed the wallpaper on my little netbook (it’s a nifty little thing, perfect if I just wanted to read some monstrous novels and/or scan through scanlations of manga and/or comic).
19 Saturday Feb 2011
Posted Geekdom
inScreenshot Ver 1.0
Still unfinished. I’ve lost patience trying to figure out why the search box is missing when applied to this blog.
Banner design by my bro Jakey. Heavy lifting by yours truly.
Already up @ Oweynge.com.
02 Wednesday Feb 2011
Posted Books, Geekdom, Life Oh Life
inI was sifting through my Google Reader feeds and came across Neil Gaiman’s latest blog entry [link] and saw the image below:
I was hit by this weird nostalgic feeling because, uhm, yeah, those words have a special meaning for me and it was probably one of my most favorite Gaiman quotes. I even used those words before to convey something I didn’t want to say directly [see this].
I still dunno if I really wanna get inked or not.
23 Tuesday Nov 2010
Posted Geekdom
inThese days when you ask people what’s in their phone, the answers are not anymore restricted to phone numbers and phone camera snapshots or even that blasted Snake game in the really old Nokia models (man, those were the days). Phones are rather smart these days; they’re even smarter than some people I know *cough*Kilcher*cough*. They contain apps and what-have-you’s to keep their user entertained/distracted/dazed/glued-to-the-little-screen when he or she is in the middle of an hour-long commute everyday, or when he or she doesn’t have anything better to do than just laze around and be bored, or whenever else, really.
Anyway, so because I am bored and it seems like sleep isn’t showing itself anytime soon, I’ll just list up whatever’s inside my phone.
(Bear in mind that it’s just an iPhone 3G — I’ve been debating with myself whether to finally kick it to the curb and go get myself the iPhone 4 but well, until they fix that antenna issue, I guess I’ll have to make do with my trusty old 3G — and some newer applications that I still haven’t heard of won’t even run in this version but eh … whatever.)
Anyway, without further ado, Birdy says howdy from my locked screen wallpaper:
Sue Bird during the 2010 World Championships in Czech Republic | Photo by Tara Polen of Sportspagemagazine.com
22 Friday Oct 2010
Day 21 ETeam You Want to See Win a Championship the Most
See answer to Day 5.
Day 22 ESports Item You Wish You Owned